'gadis melayu' we're talking bout here?.I don't know what u are
thinking but to me I still believe there is what we called 'gadis
melayu'... Actually in every Malay girl there is definitely a part of
it...erm somewhere :D hehe I know..this sound so weird.. Yeah..u know
me..I talk crap many times..especially when I have nothing to do...
What a gadis melayu supposedly to be? Hurmm... :3 in my opinion..what
u called 'ciri2 keperempuanan'..how they behave..seriously i used to
think that this doesnt exist anymore..well hello!? u are in the
millenium..i dont see these girls acting like a gadis melayu..until i
met this 1 person...wow! The most important point:-
1.very soft spoken..
3.well mannered
4.very neat..how do I say this..(pandai menjaga diri la..dari hujung
rambut ke hujung kaki)
5. Socializing not too much yet not to little..
6. And the list goes on..not to forget to know the art of cooking :)
Well as u can see this is all about personality..yes..back in the days
a girl personality really been look serious into..its important....to
get married obviously -_-" ok............erm...so the person I met I
can say have 1 or 2 points of personality like a 'gadis melayu' ..well
we are not perfect but I think many would fall for her..alahai..lemah
lembut.. :)
So what I see in these days girls..we do have 1 or 2 or more of that
kind of personality..so it's not really dead..what I see is that we're
not forgetting our origin , the tradition or anything..we're
continuously improving.. :D hopefully I think for the better..how do
is say this..( selaras dengan perkembangan masa ) sorry..I cant
translate fully what I'm thinking :D
Hurry! February is going to end and I just started to write again..so
hopefully atleast 5 post for this month :) hehe
See ya!
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