
something healthy

yes..yes..i know i been bragging on loosing weight..cut down the food intake..exercising..but always at the end, words just end up being words...i love eating..that just sounds bad right?haha..so is there any easier way? yes..u can still eat all u want but this time a little more cautious on the food u take...yes people its the calorie count! its much easier..but all in all u still have to exercise.. so what is calorie?? to know click here -> calorie ..

so to check on calorie of the food u want click here -> food calorie this site give u many information relating to calorie and its FREE! its a malaysian web based so u can get details of calorie from foods that u like in malaysia like for example nasi lemak, roti canai, ketupat palas, rendang and many more! (feeling like a salesperson..haha) ;p

nasi lemak :p
 most average adult require around 2000 calories a day..so for me atleast 1500 calories..i can eat many times i want but i have to watch out with the calorie to make sure that i do not exceed it.. :D sounds simple? maybe..so plan your work work your plan :D hahah..




i came across this in tumblr...its very interesting what the writer wrote in his blog...about people..specifically about random everyday people that u see on the streets...without u even noticing sometime u can be a really..em how do i say this? like for example u can be a good listener..but in this case its how the way u look at people how u really notice them to the very detail that u see somehow like u known that person..but they are actually strangers..its very hard to describe what i am trying to actually say..this is not stalking..

to me ,when u notice a person,it means that u acknowledge that person..that u know that person is there and exist.. immediately that person is in a part of your memory..

http://random-people.tumblr.com/ the link for the site that i am talking about..hope u enjoy reading :D


korea invasion


dont panic people! we're not being attack or invade by the korean..:D what i meant by invasion is that, not the culture or the language but their tv drama..me..of all people...would go gaga over these dramas...hahaa..blame it on me roomates and peqahchangmin (bukan nama sebenar ;p)...hehe..they are the culprit.. if i went home i would be the only one from my group of friends to actually like all the korean dramas and songs..yes..*sob sob*..T,T i am weird..

peqahchangmin(bukan nama sebenar ;p)..is a very influential person in a good way like this..listening constantly too her phone ringtone most probably from any boy bond from korea would be stuck in my head like for ages..yes..my first perception of these korean song is- 'dude..i dont even understand what they are saying.so how could that possibly be enjoyable to listen?'...and that was like months ago..but now im like - 'OMG..is that the song??i want i want!'..i even sang to one of the song eventhough i dont have a clue what it meant..hahah...typical..people change..thats life..my current favourite song would be bonamana- super junior..

super junior :D

honestly i have watched korean drama before even with my mum...winter sonata,stained glass,autumn in my heart...but at that time i wasnt really into it like i am now...i may not know the name of the actor or actress in the drama but i like it..these korean drama are like latino soap opera asian version :p my roomates put me up into watching this korean drama 'boys over flower'..yes..im hooked...the story is cool but i dont like the ending though..that is just from my point of view :D..the actors however are very good looking..so no wonder girls(especially..no hard feelings girls ;p) can easily get addicted to these dramas..it always mainly about the lead actor then they can consider the storyline..hahaha...life..so typical..;p
boys over flower :p

korean??nothing wrong with that i guess..its not passion its not obsession its just my interest ;p


you are mine for almost a year ;)

haha...what do u think im going to write about?? romance??ughh..NO!

people say that im a very careful person..everything i do...to the words i say..so is it really true?? what u saw is just a surface of me..if u know me deeply like my family does u will see a whole different person..i like to keep it to myself..even families find it hard to go through me..what u see of me is not exactly what u think i am...haha..

i am not as careful as u think i am..i sometime misplaced my stuff...i sometime shop till i drop (not really thrifty) hehe..im a material person ;p...as u know i am not perfect..so dont judge if u dont know..

so this i would say the longest period that i own a digital media player a.k.a mp3..:D me and mp3 how would i say? its hard to keep for a period of time..especially like this...wow..a record..this is the longest time..i am utterly grateful..;D 

my first portable audio is a creative zen plus..i bought with my own money..( hari raya savings and pmr money gift from aunty marlene and not to forget mama :D)..i remember specifically buying it at digital mall with kak ette and abg eddy..the price at that time was about rm200 and above..and that was my first ever mp3 player..
my first ;)

but too bad it didnt last that long..boohooo..i was walking back home with my sis from work at kumon..i may have dropped it somewhere along the way...but i didnt heard or realise it ever falling from my pocket..it was small so how could u notice? we tried to retrace our step back..but it was nowhere to be found..i guess somebody already took it..i own it only for 3 months..

so a year past after that incident...i decided to buy another mp3 player..this time it was a sony NWZ-B133F/B...if im not mistaken..bought  it for rm249..a 2GB..me and my sis bought it at sony centre in ou..i brought it to my boarding school but it didnt last that long also..something went wrong..when i tried to open,the screen went white..so i sent it to be checked..but they said that they have to replace all the component in it..and it will cost me rm150 and above...it was better if i bought a new one..i had to dispose it...such luck..curses..
my second :D

so the third and hopefully the last one i ever have to buy..my all time favourite NWZ S-544...a 8GB..and the most expensive thing i ever bought for myself...i longed for this..i actually just want a normal mp4 player but this one really caught my eyes....the first time i held it i wish i could have this but looking at the price crushed my hope at that time..with my sallary at that time i can never have it..hmph..but after receiving my spm result gift money i was determined to buy a mp4 player..it didnt cross my mine to actually buy the NWZ S-544..i wanted another one but that model they didnt sell it anymore..so i was left with this model..whether to buy or not..i already have enough money for it..after thinking for a while then i decided to buy it after all..i paid rm500 in cash..and hopefully it will last..i like it very much..it has a built in speaker also..my dream mp4 player..
my third and hopefully the last ;)
i really hope that i could keep this one..you are mine for almost a year now..and still counting...


AYESYAH ABDULLAH...a celebrity??a famous singer??naah..just my sis

19 years and counting...15 years ago you were sitting behind your little desk at kindergarten eating glue but in 8 years from now you will be sitting behind your desk as a heart surgeon explaining to your patient..through those years growing and knowing you i am utterly proud to be your sis.. :D

seriously..i think its in the gene..you are born brilliant..i tried...but i can never be the same like u...what when wrong? we stay at the same house..i ate what you ate..i watch tv channel that you watch..but never..the same or even more..im just so different from you..and i believe that what makes us closer...you're loud im the silent..you're brave im shy..you're skinny im a bit chubby( yes..chubby is cute people ;p)..i never envy you..i just felt happy and proud to have a sis like you that i can boast to all my friends :p hehe...

i remember when you were small people called you tadpole..i know..they're mean!..but what they dont know is that in that head lies a brain with excellent brain neurons that can stunned others (i know i elaborate weirdly...shh...dont say a word...i dont learn bio anymore)..yes..you stunned people with your geniuses! hehe.. what i really want to say is without facing you is that you are really SMART woman! no denying to that :D

i like it when you come back home...its hard to see you anymore...we're like together since birth and its hard when the first time you had to leave to pahang.. after sending you i cried back at home...i just felt sad...like im not going to see you again sad...its hard not to have someone to go to school with every morning...first day of kindergarten to the first day of primary school...im not like other children who want their mother to be with them...i dont need mama to be with me on my first day..that is because i already got a sis with me ;D and that sis is you!



i just dont know what to say anymore...this post is especially for you...you're my sis and you're my friend..love ya <3..and happy birthday! sorry couldnt get anything for you..money is running low..hehe :D


U are my friend..and I am not..forgive me

she to me was my closest friend..atleast that is to me..to her i do not know..since we only meet at school..also her house  is quite far than mine..in primary i havent got any friend i can say that is close..it is always just a friend..im just a friend you knew or may remember...but not more than that..cause i was the silent type..yeah..so that was that and i am still am silent as always..self esteem was quite low..hehe..but hopefully increase year by year..:D but i do have my bff still..and our friendship is almost 5 years now...and still counting..;) and i was hoping the same with this girl..adilah abd jalil..

i know her since primary..but i did actually befriended her in high school...she was the closest friend i had...and that was three years ago...i havent gotten intouch with her for a long time...what kind of a friend am i?? i tried..i did tried..living in boarding school was hard..the time...and connection with people..but i did tried...until now..im just scared she wouldnt forgive me....im sorry...i did tried..i couldnt get through her phone..i cant get through facebook!..i even googled her name but nothing pops out that is actually related to her..this is hopeless man...im sorry if im not trying hard enough...

so these are my memories of her....i indeed miss her..

how i met her? the first time i befriended her was when i had to change class when i was in form1..from avicenna to einstein....her desk was near to mine..she helped me through alot..but after first semester we sat side by side..also during recess i would go with her and not to forget liyung ;D well how do i describe her??she is full of joy..very different..but i enjoyed being her friend..i normally dont talk that much..she is the one that helped me with my english...usually she would talk to me in english and i would  always reply in bahasa melayu..i used to stammer alot when i talk in english last time so i would prefer to speak in bahasa melayu at school....i am now more confident with my english..:D thanks adilah...if it wouldnt for u i wouldnt get this far...

'a walk to remember'...her all time favourite movie if im not mistaken...she loved the movie to its soundtrack also...she constantly misplaced her stuff...from mp3 player to handphones...haha wow...and she just couldnt find those things that went missing...she is well off...she got two houses in that area...her parents are very busy..she went and go home by school bus...sports??not really into it...i never gone out with her..never got the chance...hmph...i had to leave ttdi for boarding school in form4...im so sorry...my first email was ktrox35@hotmail.com this one we did it together at the school lab...

I like mee goreng..I remember this one time we gone to jasema to eat mee goreng..on our way there we saw a alligator like lizard ( a big one) at the big drain..and we were like running and screaming..that thing was like following us! At jasema the mee goreng there was superb..it's like a seafood/tom yam mee goreng..that was the first time..we walked there by foot and went back by foot..just the two of us...I will always remember that...

I will always remember you...adilah..If you happen to stumble upon this blog and read it..please inform me..I changed my number..liyung knows it..please..I'm sorry....forgive me....you to me are still my friend....


saya SELESEMA cikgu

jalan terhuyung hayang..mata kuyu..hidung berair..apa hal dengan budak hingusan ini??...sayalah itu..=_=

penyakit ini bukan diminta tapi diberi olehNya mungking juga berupa pembalasan untuk menghapus dosa-dosa kecil yang entah berapa banyak...syukur Alhamdulillah :D

tetapi timing sangat la tak betul...masa ini pulak nak demam2..bukan main susah nak dapat MC kat sini( uia sangat kedekut~!) ada boleh pulak bagi MC setengah hari..

tak boleh tak boleh...nak skip kelas dah tak boleh...minggu ini tak dapat...jadual memang PACK~! chemistry nak belajar topik baru...math pun sama..kalau tak datang nanti kelas seterusnya duduk ternganga mulut lalat pun boleh masuk..sebab tak faham punya pasal...adoi..dah la arab dah 2 kali tak datang..hehe..maaf la ye ustaz..bukan saya tak suka tapi saya suka sangat kelas arab..lagi-lagi dengan ustaz Hassan dari mesir (hahah).. kalau 2 kali  tak datang lagi memang akan dihantar satu surat warning ke rumah...(saya ni memang jarang nak dapat surat kat rumah..sekali sekala apa salahnya?haha..taknak la...habis reputasi saya..ceh! bunyi macam artis je..padahal tak xp)..ish2 budak ni...kelas arab boleh pulak dia tak pergi??ok! tolong sikit saya ada sebab ye...setiap tindak tanduk yang dilakukan akan disemak dan difikirkan semasak masaknya..

teringat pulak semasa dibangku sekolah rendah dahulu..pagi pagi sudah bangun..masuk tandas nak mandi..tapi tak sampai 10 minit dah keluar balik buat muka kesian dan sakit..kata kat mama dengan suara yang kecil 'mama..tak larat la,rasa nak demam..kalau tak pergi sekolah hari ni boleh?'..mama pula sebagai ibu yang PENYAYANG pun bagi duduk rumah..:D yay~!lepas itu masuk bilik dan tidur balik..bahagianya...kebetulan pula hari itu kena hantar karangan BM..hehe..(tak disengajakan :D) saya tahu cikgu rindu saya.. :p

semasa di mrsm pun sama tapi kat encik azman..haha..dialah yang menguruskan sickbay di mrsm tgb..sangatlah baik orangnya dan peramah juga..budak2 kat sana pun selesa dengan kehadirannya..dia mengambil berat tentang semua pelajar...pagi pagi selepas rollcall kena pergi kat sickbay dapatkan kad untuk dibawa ke hospital jasin..memang sangat lah pelik dunia ini bila dah sampai kat hospital nak diperiksa hilang la pula semua kesakitan itu..batuk yang tadi tak henti henti tiba- tiba dah tidak ada..badan yang tadi panas sangat dah jadi sejuk pulak..perkara ini kerap berlaku bila nak jumpa dengan doktor...haish..kenapa ye?=_= well selain ubat dan doktor yang ada kat hospital tu , nasi ayam seberang jalan pun ada..hehe..kat situ la budak2 sakit tunggu pakcik azman ambik..sambil tunggu sambil makan ye...marvelous lah~! sangat sedap..hish budak ni sakit sakit pun ada selera nak makan nasi ayam.. ni sakit ke tipu ni? hehe..saya tak tipu tapi bila perut dah lapar sakit sakit pun kena makan jugak..perut bertambah selera lagi ada la..saya memang pelik pun..:D

post kali ini tak seberapa..cuma nak berkongsi kesedihan tak dapat nak ambik MC disebabkan terlalu banyak agenda dalam minggu ini yang diselitkan juga dengan pengalaman yang lepas..:D 

sayonara~! saya nak tidur..penat dah menaip ni..

most wanted!

About Me

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I'm just your average person on the outside but completely different on the inside.