
im dying~!

what will u do if u were told that u are going to die? a message or a phone call from the unknown...maybe a message from the grave? WHO THE HELL ARE YOU TO PLAY GOD??? your not even close...

i wouldnt care if this thing happen (the message)...cause i know its a prank..i dont know how he or she got my number...but yeah you are talking about someone else death here dude...you totally have no right to do that!

so the question is am i dying?? yes...im always dying...even now...every hour every minute till the very second of the day i am indeed dying..everybody is also dying its just that they dont know when they are going to die...actually die...why take death as sad thing? u are a step closer to meeting back your creator..Allah swt..why do we felt fear in our heart? this obviously because we ARE NOT READY to face the judgement..with all our sins..we are just not ready..life on earth is the priority making our duty to God second..some people just completely forget..my mum always says the earth is a temporarily place for a traveller like us rest and take our supply for the journey to the real place where we stay there forever( translated by me :D sorry for the lame expression, my mum's one is much better)...

ooo...being religious lately?im MYSELF is not perfect..i have so many flaws..but  i sometime wonder about death..i may not get to say goodbye...i may not have much time..but i am trying..indeed trying to be as good as i can be...look at me God...dont forget me..dont look away..i dont want to be lost..all i can say for now is just repent..ponder awhile..

are you really ready?


i am so mad about 'pink' these days

As u can see here im not actually into the colour pink and practically not mad at pink the celebrity :D
i like all her new songs..very2 nice..so this is one of it..boohoo..havent download it yet..so have to go to the cc just to listen..:( pity me..the wifi here is so dissapointing..so dont even get your hope that high..:D
with this is the lyrics for this song..:) and sorry for the vulgar words in the song...well its not mine..its her~!

Made a wrong turn

Once or twice

Dug my way out
Blood and fire
Bad decisions
That's alright
Welcome to my silly life
Mistreated, misplaced, missundaztood
Miss "no way it's all good"
It didn't slow me down
Always second guessing
Look, I'm still around...

Pretty, pretty please
Don't you ever, ever feel
Like your less than
Fuckin' perfect
Pretty, pretty please
If you ever, ever feel
Like your nothing
You're fuckin' perfect to me

You're so mean
When you talk
About yourself
You are wrong
Change the voices
In your head
Make them like you
So complicated
Look how big you'll make it
Filled with so much hatred

Such a tired game

It's enough

I've done all I can think of
Chased down all my demons
See you same

Pretty, pretty please
Don't you ever, ever feel
Like your less than
Fuckin' perfect
Pretty, pretty please
If you ever, ever feel
Like your nothing

You're fuckin' perfect to me
The world stares while I swallow the fear
The only thing I should be drinking is an ice cold beer
So cool in lying and I tried tried
But we try too hard, it's a waste of my time
Done looking for the critics, cuz they're everywhere
They don't like my genes, they don't get my hair
Stringe ourselves and we do it all the time
Why do we do that?
Why do I do that?
Why do I do that?

Ooh, pretty pretty pretty,
Pretty pretty please don't you ever ever feel
Like you're less then, fuckin' perfect
Pretty pretty please if you ever ever feel
Like you're nothing you're fuckin' perfect, to me
You're perfect
You're perfect
Pretty, pretty please don't you ever ever feel like you're less then, fucking perfect
Pretty, pretty please if you ever ever feel like you're nothing you're fucking perfect to me

goodbye for now peeps~!';)


Aging...a wonderful experience..

haa..biase la..bila perut dah penuh mata pun berat...berblogging la nampaknya..haish..nak buat macam mana?nasi ayam tadi pun sedap jugak..yela..dah lama mengidam..hehe.. :D entah macam mana..teringat pulak ni..apa2 yang terfikir pasti akan ditulis dalam notes dan diletakkan dalam blog..macam ini...
saya dilahirkan pada 3 mei 1992...birthday saya lagi 4 bulan dan tepat2 3 minggu..tolong ingat ye..please...aik..apa hal bahasa melayu lagi??mencuba sesuatu yang lain..its normal..saja2 mempelbagaikan blog ini..mungkin2 nanti dalam bahasa arab pulak..nanti2kan ye..eh..dah melencong pulak..:D yang nak diceritakan sebenarnya ialah cumalah kenangan2...pieces of it..that i can remember...about my birthday..istimewa sangat ke hari lahir?hurmm..kalau family dan kawan2 ingat mestilah special..

3/5/2010- saya baru 18...waa..akhirnya..bukan budak skolah dah ye..;p masa ni dah berhenti kerja dah...tak dapat la makan kek orang kat secret recipe blanja..:( tapi terima kasih ye raja puteri belanja kek white-dark chocolate cheesecake kot..saya tak ingat dah namanya..heee..:D walaupun puteri belanja lambat skit tak apa kerana ingat..sayang kamu~!

sedap tak? :D yumyum..
pada hari itu..sya kakak saya belanja makan kat secret recipe..kami kongsi2..main course beef lasagne..air oreo  milkshake kesukaan ramai kanak2..haha..seperti saya juga..dan desert brownies walnut dengan vanilla ice cream...kalau letak gambar ni nanti terliur pulak kamu semua.. :p haish memenuhkan perut je pada hari itu..mama seperti yang dijanjikan bagi rm100..ok la..duit..siapa tak nak? afiqah..ada bagi patung ni..walaupun lambat bagi tapi sangat menghargai..buat masa ni tak dapat fikir lagi nama untuk si patung ini..:D dan ditambahkan lagi dengan wishes di facebook dan sms dari kawan menjadikan birthday pada hari itu sangat la bahagia..
terima kasih pika~!
2/5/2009 @ 3/5/2010 - masa ni form 5..yay..dah 17..akhirnya..hehe..saya balik rumah untuk cuti..walaupun skejap tapi ok la..sya pun balik dari kuantan..mama cadangkan buat makan2...sempena untuk menyambut juga la..tapi terpaksa dibuat awal kerana esoknya pada 3/5 dah kena balik asrama...haish..nasib2..malam itu ajakla jiran..kawan..keluarga datang..tak ramai tapi kami2 je dah seronok..:D kawan2 yang dikasihi pun datang..aisyah,pika,aida..boleh pulak main2 sorok2 macam kecik2 dulu..haish..good times..hadiah untuk tahun itu ialah patung lembu bulat yang juga dinamakan "LEMBU"...amat bulat dan comel..terima kasih ye sya.aisyah,aida and pika..so happy..
lembu kesayangan~!
3/5/2008 - masa ini saya masih lagi dibangku sekolah..wa..sweet 16..baru masuk mrsm..tak pernah2 duduk jauh dari family terpaksa juga akhirnya..tahun ni sambut kat sekolah je..sedih dan juga gembira...sedih sebab tak ada kek macam selalu..huhu..tapi gembira sebab sheikh muszaphar datang sekolah..hahah :D ceh..macam tahu2 je birthday saya...haha..tak ada la..dan roomate mase tu pun sangat2 baik...bagi kad dan hadiah..walaupun macam baru je kenal tapi dah rapat sangat rasa..even budak2 wing sebelah pun wish..bilik FA02 dan FA03...terima kasih ye semua bagi coklat tu..dah la masa tu tengah study..coklat itu habis dimakan oleh saya..sangat sedap..takkan saya lupa..:D

hmm..ini sahaja lah yang nak diceritakan sebenarnya..berkongsi kegembiraan daripada kenangan yang lepas.. :D harap tahun depan orang2 masih ingat lagi...semakin tua semakin matang..harap2 la ye..insya-Allah..


Mama tersayang :D

untuk post kali ni di khaskan untuk mama TERSAYANG....hahah... bahasa melayu??erk?..iye....biasanya yes...yela2..mama saya amat menitik beratkan bahasa ibunda...jadi untuk post untuk mama tulis dalam bahasa melayu la ye...hahah..nampak amat pelik.. :D saya memang pelik pun...

Assalamualaikum pembuka bicara...:) 

 hari ni sangat bahagia...bukan apa tapi semua kelas hari ni habis awal..macam arab dan fizik..kimia tu tak boleh la..tapi tidak apa..yang nak dikatakan sebenarnya tengahari tadi dapat sms dari mama..jarang2 nak dapat...maklumlah mama di rumah pun sibuk..saya disini pun makin sibuk... sms berbunyi begini..

"As'kum  baby mama camna? sibuk belajar x pe relax jgn stres sgt. Ini hanya dunia syg. Tapi klu x solat tu mama sedeh anyak doa pd Allah
InsyaAllah Allah akan akan mendengar doa hambanya. love u."

bagaimana? ada faham tak? untuk pengetahuan semua mama saya kurang nampak..jadi smsnya kalau orang yang tak mengenali dirinya mungkin tidak akan faham..contohnya besok akan jadinya berok...hahah...
1 sms ni mampu membuat saya tersenyum lebar sepanjang kelas tadi...mungkin ini yang ditunggu2 oleh saya...amat merindui mama yang di rumah..mungkin sebab itu saya merasakan tidak bersemangat dan murung...haish...maklumlah saya ni kan anak bongsu..dan juga anak mama :D..amat bangga menyatakan itu..hahah 

bagaimana? cantik tak? hehe..pandai ye saya memilih...ini diari islam saya beli masa FESTIVEN kat uia..harganya tak mahal sangat dan tak murah sangat..mampu untuk seorang pelajar seperti saya beli..ha? saya? simpan diari?diari islam?ceh..tak..ni untuk dihadiahkan kepada mama TERSAYANG...memandangkan diari mama termasuk dalam mesin basuh dan habis rosak..macam mana boleh masuk? saya pun tidak tahu...mungkin ada hikmahnya..:D terus je nampak diari ni teringat kat mama..apa lagi? terus saya beli.. nanti balik untuk cuti saya akan bagi..mama pasti akan suka..dalam diari ni ada macam2..doa..kalendar..hadis..banyak la..macam buku jugaklah sebab dapat baca...dan tulis.. :D love u mama...

rasanya ini sahaja yang nak dikatakan...nak kongsi kegembiraan la kan.. :D ...harap2 masa cuti ada laptop kat rumah..dapat lah meng-update-kan blog..

 baiklah..masa untuk mengulangkaji.. ( maaflah diatas kecacatan bahasa..biasalah..bahasa rojak/pasar..)  itu sahaja dari saya untuk kali ni..tata~!

Emotion best shown than said


heals the heart

one of the things that make me really happy the most is cats...i love them..i used to have loads of them...but they are gone.. :( i miss them..my babies kittos...for u kittos...

huhu...so cute... look at those eyes...round face..this is not mine though....hehe..well today was not much of a post...just the thought of the cats make me really happy...


Nostalgia :D


Believe in me

"We believe in u..yes..u can do it..." those are the words from my
eldest sister after we know the result of my 2nd sis..she got another
4.0..so expected..I'm not even surprised..well..she is indeed super
smart..well..I believe in her..everybody believe in her that she could
do it..that she could make it...everybody..just one look and they will
say she will definitely make it....

I remember..a memory from the past..quite bitter..I hate
comparison..it is just not fair sometime...they never fully believe
that I could make it...never..I was just too average..what can u hope
for?in the year 2007..I was taking my pmr examination that year..also
when he got sick..my dad..life was hard..it felt as though the clouds
are closing on us and there will be no light and rains
constantly..that gloomy feeling...the result was to be announced
tomorrow( some day in 2007)..my mum had asked my dad if my sis were to
get straight a's..without hesitation he nodded and said 8 a's..but
when my mum asked him how bout me..all he could said was 6...he
doesn't believe that I can get the same as my sis..he never believe
me..my sis was always his fav...but in the end my result prove him

Even I don't believe completely in myself..we are only
humans..sometime I doubt myself ..

I'm not super..I'm just average..nothing to "wow" about..compared me
to her??she's definitely a solid 10..brains with beauty...I never envy
her..why would I? She's my sis..she always held my back..there was a
time when I felt that I needed to protect her..keep her away from
harm...then she had to go to boarding school..I felt lost a
bit..during the 15 years of my life..she has always been with me..so I
never get scared..first day at school..yes..she's with me..walking
back home..she's with me..She always believe in me.... Even now I'm
alone here..she's far away in melaca...got to be strong...I only have

Love ya sis ;D even u are not my real sis but to me u are and will
always be..


Coincidence? Or fate? :D

Coincidence?..or as I thought it is :D all this while I was hoping the
other person to bump into...as u may know in the previous
post...weird..being all lovey dovey recently.. =_=..this is sooooo not
me.....hormones! What are u trying to do??but I hardly..HARDLY..get to
see him..unfortunately for me..it was another person that I kept
seeing..anywhere I go..yes..his there..when im eating..going to pasar
malam..going to class..going back from class..dude..u crushed my
hope! :(boohhoo..

This guy is a year older..but the guy I hope to see constantly is the
same age as me..haish..wrong person at the wrong time? Haha..

This semester I start bumping into that person..I never saw him
before..weird..like his following me or something..naaaah..can't
be..I'm just your average girl..not the one u would fall for
though...who am kidding..

But this feeling..hmph..what??another one??haha..I'm going nuts..maybe
it's the tension this week that's been piling up..

Hmm..wondering if I might see him again tomorrow..;p haha..we'll see..

Farewell and goodnight for now ;D

most wanted!

About Me

My photo
I'm just your average person on the outside but completely different on the inside.