
it hurt soooo bad

what should i do? i really don't know what to do now. i mean..should i cry? should i be happy? should i be grateful? yes. i am grateful. but somehow it hurt so bad. so this is how it felt? this is how it felt to fail. nak nangis pun ada. hurt so bad. :(

aku sedih ni. first time kot fail. tapi aku mcm dh boleh rasa akan fail 1 subjek ni even before exam or study week lagi. mmg rasa mcm tak belajar apa2 mmg patut la kna repeat. perkara dh lepas. aku masih bersyukur subjek2 yg lain ok. 1 ni je problem. its ok this chance i won't waste it. i won't tell mama. that's for sure. mati aku nanti.

so mcm mna kita nak react if we fail a subject or course? what should i feel? what should i do when i felt that  like my life is crumbling right in front of me. adooii. dramatic sungguh. its not the end of the world.

to me. paling penting skrg i need to be strong. to accept this and to understand why it happened and to improve. second never give up. its not the end. thank you Allah for that. i was given another chance. to repeat this and to get better. third, i should be patience and optimist. everything happens for a reason. maybe this is my wake up call. bersabar. banyak2 bersabar.

i know. believe me. i know. kata2 lagi senang diungkap than to actually do it.so mlm ni kita nangis, kita sedih, kita menjerit sekuat hati, kita luahkan segala kesedihan di hati. esok pagi kita senyum, kita bangkit and keep on living.

honestly, its going to take me a while...to heal.. hopefully i can be more motivated by next week.

jom layan lagu ft island before tidur. you are love.  goodnight!

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I'm just your average person on the outside but completely different on the inside.