

just a quick post... i'm feeling regretful..

the thing about regret is that it eats you up slowly.. you never going to forget...it can cause depression.. i speak from experience..so how do you let go of that feeling? cause its such a negative feeling.. its like a flu or a pain from a wound.. so what is the medication to heal it? I'm not really sure..

acceptance maybe.
forgive yourself.
and don't repeat the same mistake.

its much easier to say than to actually do it right? it needs time. but can time really heal? how long?

honestly I'm depressed. there are like many types of depression. if i were to explain it may take awhile. this is just a quick post. something to write the woes away maybe? i'll let you know on the next post. about depression. people need to know. they can't be ignorant.

if possible try to live a life without regret.

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